The Holy See Embassy in Baghdad Clarified the Statement of the Iraqi Presidency
The Apostolic Nunciature in Iraq regrets the misunderstandings and inappropriate dealings concerning the role of His Beatitude Mar Louis Sako as Custodian of the properties of the Chaldean Church. Further to some partial and misleading reporting on this issue, which often disregard him as a highly esteemed religious figure, the Apostolic Nunciature states the following:
Today the President of the Republic, H.E. Latif Rashid, requested to meet with the Charge d’Affaires of the Apostolic Nunciature (Embassy of the Holy See/Vatican) to the Republic of Iraq, Rev. Fr. Charles Lwanga Ssuuna, in the matter of his recent decree concerning H.B. Louis Sako, Patriarch of the Chaldean Church.
During the conversation, Fr. Ssuuna stressed that the administration of the Church properties – as prescribed by the Iraqi Constitution – should continue to be exercised freely by the Heads of Churches also on practical level, that is in front of Iraqi Tribunals and Government offices, whereas the Apostolic Nunciature does not comment on whether this is to be ensured by presidential decrees or in other suitable way.